Parenting Your Children
We know how both challenging and exciting the process of parenting can be. We would like to support you in experiencing these processes by sharing what has worked with other parents and what we have experienced to be effective in our work with children.
Read about some concepts and guidelines for parenting.
Take a Parenting Class. Browse through our classes and workshops to see if we are currently offering one.
Learn about the Process Holding method of helping your child through their resistance to Well-Being.
We have found the parent training tapes of Fay/Kline are most helpful to the parents with whom we interact. Their site is at Love and Logic.
Helping Your Children Recover From Trauma/Injury
As much as we would like to protect our children from everything, we know we can’t. Events such as divorcee and separation, death in the family, and being sexually, physically and/or emotionally abused do happen and do cause injury. When these occur, our job as parents is not one of blame or shame, rather it is to get our children some help in recovering.
Therapy for your child/children.
Our job in helping your child in therapy is to create an enriching (full of opportunity to explore) and safe (no one needing anything from him/her) environment where the child can express and release whatever is causing the acting-out behavior. We also invite the child to resolve the internal trauma within play, sand tray, arts, verbal, or whatever medium may work to help your child heal.
We want parents to participate in this process so we keep them in the progress loop while maintaining the confidentiality of the child. Parents will be informed if their child is a danger to self or others and whenever there is a need for their intervention. We believe parent participation is essential and we see parents as consultants and resources to our work with their children. Whenever necessary, parents will be invited into the sessions. Sometimes the most effective way to work with children is in a family setting.
Get some support for yourself.
And parents, we invite you to consider getting therapy for yourselves as necessary to provide you with skills and to help you move through your injuries that could be interfering with the type of parenting you wish to do.