
What is depression?

Depression is a debilitating psychological disorder that can greatly impact ones life and livelihood. Depression is often expressed as persistent unhappiness, hopelessness, loss of interest and/or pleasure in usual activities, difficulty concentrating, insomnia or oversleeping, fatigue and anxiety. Depression can be caused by a number of factors, most involving trauma in some form. If left untreated, depression can seriously impact the quality of an individual’s life. Depression is different from feeling grief after a loss, sadness, pain, or unhappiness in the sense of hopelessness that sufferers face – depression feels like the road to hell, whereas feelings wax and wane in their expression.

What are the effects of depression?

Individuals suffering from depression often lack the motivation to get out of bed, and can lose interest in the activities they once enjoyed. Since depression causes individuals to feel as if they are carrying a burden no one else can comprehend, those suffering from the disorder tend to isolate themselves from loved ones and trusted friends.

How PTI can help

At PTI, our competent and compassionate therapists specialize in treating both the symptoms of depression and the trauma that often underlies the symptoms. We help patients heal and find freedom from debilitating depression, and learn the skills necessary to build and re-build fulfilling relationships with healthy people.

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Schedule your free discovery session

Call Janet on 408 963 6694 or submit the appointments form on the counseling page.